I just love maternity sessions and newborn sessions. They are in my top three favorite types of portraits. Elizabeth and Daniel have included me in their life along with the major milestones from early on in their relationship. It’s been amazing watching them grow and getting to be apart of their lives and their families lives. I will never forget the moment Elizabeth told me they were expecting their first baby. Excited doesn’t begin to explain the emotions that I felt. I was in total awe when the next news I got was that baby Digrys was a girl! I have a house full of boys and I’ve always wanted a little girl so to say my mind was racing with all of the girl clothing ideas and gifts is an understatement. Have you seen the newest baby girl fashion? Emelia is going to have a better wardrobe than me!
As any excited mommy to be and photographer would do, we started the portrait session planning. Elizabeth ordered a custom burgundy maternity gown as well as a floral crown and we booked the perfect venue. I can’t share enough that when you invest in your portrait session going that extra step to have it designed or styled makes all of the difference. Those designing or styling pieces don’t necessarily have to be major, the smallest of pieces go a long way! As you can see from Elizabeth & Daniel’s session they both were amazing and looked amazing. We had so much fun and the glow and excitement on the both of them is immeasurable. I can’t wait for Emelia to grace us with her grand entrance and to share her newborn portraits with you. Trust me, you won’t want to miss those. For now, enjoy the Mom and Dad to be.
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