It’s been a while since I’ve shared my precious boy’s with you all so I thought I would give you a session of cuteness. My how time seems to rush by before your eyes. I can remember like it was yesterday when I was laying in that hospital bed meeting each of them for the first time. I never thought I would be able to love them more than I did at those moments. I was so wrong. Both of these little boy’s will never even come close to knowing how much I love them and how grateful I am that I was chosen to be their Mommy. They both teach me so much on a daily basis and I can’t help but to think back on so many prayers where I asked for direction and answers in my life and so much uncertainty that I had, and here are my answered prayers that give me more direction and answers than I could have ever prayed for. I’m a very proud mom and all things that I do are done for them.
We were lucky enough to catch a break in the weather and get some outside time. This truck was the best investment that Santa could have ever made! They love it so much and they feel so independent on the explorations they go on.
Mason is my llittle leader. So sure of everything and willing to learn it all. He shows me how patient I really am lol! Each morning when we start our day he always makes sure that he tells me he loves me and that I am the best Mommy in the world. It’s something that I can’t live without anymore. He understands my heart and although I am the parent and the adult he provides so much for me. To his future wife (thank god this moment is so far away!), be kind and patient with my sweet boy. He will stay true to you and take care of you in more ways than you know you need. His heart will speak directly to yours and he will know what comfort and love you need before you even realize. This boy is strong in every way and when God made him I know that he made Mason to do great things, his purpose here is important. Far more important that any of us could ever understand.
Weston, the baby. He is just that. My sweet sweet kind soul that is sensitive to the core. His honesty and tenderheart are so pure. He teaches me to slow down and think things through. To enjoy each moment we have together, and each moment that I have in life. He’s a goofball and always makes me laugh. He is always putting others first and making sure that everyone is taken care of. He can be a bit of an ol’ goat sometimes but I know that it’s to remind me that he is his own person and he has his own purpose here, one that is not for me to decide or direct. It’s hard with the baby. You want to keep them little as long as you can but the baby… that’s the one that you hold on to with dear life because you know that this is or might be your last chance at a baby. Weston’s future wife will be spoiled to no end. I pray that she doesn’t take advantage of my tender hearted giving boy and appreciates every ounce of him. His heart is so kind and loving it will be hard for her to ever feel like she doesn’t have the world. This little boy saved me. From before he was brought into this world, he saved me.
What I thought was the most difficult time in my life and that I couldn’t and wouldn’t survive, I did. Both of my boy’s (and Jon Alan) kept me strong and pushing forward. When I thought I wasn’t needed or wanted they reminded me every second of every day that I was their Mommy and they not only needed me but they wanted me. Each day they filled my heart up until it ran over and then kept pouring. It’s funny how your taught that you have to teach your kids about life and when they are born it’s the opposite. They are teaching me about life. I am so glad they will have each other to grow old with. I am an only child and live my sibling life through my husband and his 6 brothers and sisters. I’m so glad my boy’s won’t grow up alone and will always have someone by their side, right or wrong! Enjoy my silly, sweet, amazing creations.
PS. We thank god everyday for Jon Alan. Without him our sparkle would be dim. The man that leads by example and teaches them more than I or anyone ever could. Thank you for showing these beautiful boy’s what love and happiness is by treating this momma like a Queen and making sure they see it. For loving them and being the best father they could ever imagine. I love you to the ends of earth, they do to. My prayers are that when they become father’s themselves, they are exactly like you!
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