You guys! I am seriously melting over here right now. Tonight the most amazing moment happened. Phillip asked Audrey to share the rest of her life with him!? How romantic is that? I am so happy that she said YES. He was so cute and nervous, honestly so was I. It is always exciting when someone contacts you and asks you to capture a very special moment and milestone in their lives. My heart turns to mush when I hear the plans and stories of my couples. In this case it was even more melting because of WHO was being asked. This person is very special and dear to me. She is beautiful inside and out and no matter what I know that I can always count on her. The people that she meets and everyone in her life has always known or quickly learns how special and wonderful she is. This person has had a hard hand dealt to her and still has a smile on her face and a welcoming heart through any and everything. This person is so special to me and I trust her so much that I have even entrusted her with my business adventure. That’s right! This special and lucky lady that Phillip gets the pleasure of sharing the rest of his life with is Audrey! If you don’t know who Audrey is let me take a moment to let you know that she is the best assistant EVER! All of my couples love her and she brings so much joy and help to my clients as if they were her own!
Phillip contacted me and wanted to surprise Audrey and plan something out of this world for her when he asked her to spend her life with him. Instantly we started racking our brains and went straight to pinterest. We quickly learned and reminded ourselves how appreciative and simple Audrey is, she loves the small details and thought put into simplicity. So that is what we planned. A beautiful location that she loved and the handsome fella that she loved. Not to mention that sparkly beauty of a ring… THE RING! My goodness is it amazing! The plan took a little fibbing to her and sneakyness but it was worth every single one. The look on her face was priceless and I’ve never seen her that happy before. I actually got to take a glimpse of Phillip as well and let me tell you, love looks great on him as well. I didn’t get to hear what he said but I do know that she was surprised and taken back. I also knew she said YES… that part wasn’t so quiet LOL. I am so blessed to have been included in this moment with Phillip and Audrey. I am also so blessed to have been given this gift and eye of photography. There is no greater gift that I could give to the ones that I love other than the loving memories we create and share to look back on and fall in love over and over again.
This location is dear to me. The people who own the property are very dear to me. I was so honored that they allowed us to plan this and to share this beautiful life they have built. Thank you to the Vickstroms (and I love you all very much!). This is where Jon Alan and I were married and I am over the moon that Phillip and Audrey will also marry there. I was a little jealous that I didn’t get to take photos of my own wedding there so this makes my heart very happy! I couldn’t ask for a better life or a better family. I love you all with all of my heart. Phillip, welcome to the family. I am so excited for you to grow and create memories with us. I also apologize in advance for stealing your soon to be wife away almost every Saturday evening for our weddings. We are a package deal though LOL.
Thank you both again for including me and loving me. I hope you all enjoy their moment as much as we all did. How beautiful is this place and this couple?
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